Monday, April 21, 2008


Frontline on public television recently had a program that explored the healthcare systems in other capitalist democracies to see what we could learn from the way other countries do it. You can watch it online here. Basically, they discussed the way universal healthcare is implemented in these countries and discussed what is good and bad about each implementation. Taiwan was one of the most interesting countries. They brought in universal healthcare relatively recently. Before they did, they studied many other systems, taking pieces from different ones to make their own.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Doctors Support Universal Healthcare

A survey reported in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found that more than half of all doctors support national health insurance. 59% of doctors say they support national health insurance, while 32% are opposed to it. In a similar survey done in 2002, the results were 49% of doctors favored national health insurance while 40% were opposed to it. This was reported in a Reuters news article, available online.