Monday, April 21, 2008


Frontline on public television recently had a program that explored the healthcare systems in other capitalist democracies to see what we could learn from the way other countries do it. You can watch it online here. Basically, they discussed the way universal healthcare is implemented in these countries and discussed what is good and bad about each implementation. Taiwan was one of the most interesting countries. They brought in universal healthcare relatively recently. Before they did, they studied many other systems, taking pieces from different ones to make their own.


Unknown said...

If you distrust the government you proabably don't want them involved in your daily affairs. If you like the Gov. then you proabably don't mind them regulating everything you do and wasting all the taxes you pay. Wake up America! Less Gov. is a Better Gov.

Dont believe the sicko hype. Insurance is affordable. See for yourself

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with our system?

In the U.S. we have great facilities, doctors, and programs for the needy.
For example. In the state of Texas, there are many uninsured children. However, there are over 150 different programs that are either free or work off a sliding scale. (usually like $10/mo per child) These are also quality plans.
I just helped two single mothers obtain coverage for the children.
The outline of coverage which came with their packages blew me away.
For instance, if a child has an appointment with a Dr. and the child's mother has no gas money, they will provide transportation to and from the appointment or place of care.
The best plans in the private sector can't hold a flame to what the two mothers now have given their children.
I personally know one family that has had an application for this program for over a year. They just can't find the time to apply. WTF?
They might even qualify for children’s Medicaid, which is free, but we will never know until they take the fifteen minutes necessary to fill out the paper work. You can lead a horse to water……..
This is why I question those who blame the system. Major Medical Coverage can be obtained by everyone in the U.S., and it's affordable.
The individual must take the first steps if we are going to improve the system. We used to call it "Personal Responsibility", I don't know if we have that in our collective vocabulary any more?