Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Conservative View of Healthare

I was looking around for something that would give a thoughtful conservative's view of what to do about the health insurance mess and I found this by Ramesh Ponnuru in Time magazine. He says basically this: the problem with U.S. health insurance is that it is employer based (and thus tied to employment), it is employer based because companies get tax breaks when buying health insurance but individuals don't, therefore the way to fix things is to give individuals the same tax breaks that companies get to buy health insurance and the market will flourish. I think this accurately represents the conservative opinion of how to fix things, but I am doubtful. This does nothing to address the adverse selection problem that pervades the underwriting of individual insurance. Employers buy GROUP insurance for their employees. In group insurance, the actuaries can apply statistics to determine reasonable rates and the adverse selection is diminished.

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